
34 Movie Reviews

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Pretty good! you should make your watermark a little less intrusive in the future. Its just big enough to be distracting.

NateCook responds:

I'll try , i've had so many different videos ripped and reposted that I figured the watermark might help but I know what you mean.

Musics not bad, but newgrounds has an audio section for a reason!

Looks good! but really its lacking enough content to be a movie. HSort gifs might be better received as art posts!

ElGermor responds:

I know, and in one point I was going to make it a gif but it turned out with a horrible quality, and since I wanted to publish it to apply to the smash collab I decides to make it a looping vídeo instead.

I really liked this! maybe just a little loud, but I really like how you bothered to put a replay button! I feel like I never see those anymore

Look man, the animation isnt that bad, I've definitley seen worse. But really the movie portal should be reserved for things with a little more content. If this was 10 seconds longer, had any form of audio, and a narrative it would be respectable.

I know you probably put some real work into this, and were eager to show it off, but your future projects will benefit a ton from just putting more time into your work. I don't want you to get discouraged by a bad review, because I think that given time you'll probably be a decent artist.
Just spend more time on your projects, and add some audio (even just music would be fine).

Final note, if this is a WIP and part of a longer animation I really think you should finish all the parts and post it together instead of individual scenes.
Keep on tryin man, I wanna see you get better!

Lilley-Animaton responds:

Fair enough, I didn’t think I could quite show off what I had in this case. I basically was learning the formula, I will make sure to give you guys more to look into. It just will take time as it should.

This really isn't a bad animation, but I couldn't help but notice the audio only plays in one ear. I had to check with other videos because I thought my headphones were broken. That's really the most glaring issue with the video, otherwise great job!

AntonyReed responds:

I appreciate that feedback i'll be sure to double check that issue moving forward, Cheers!

Hey I really like this! but just letting you know, if you're posting animation loops like this it might be better to post them in the art portal as a .gif!

MissyMeghanAnimation responds:

okie doke! I was thinking to do that, but at the time all I had on hand was a movie file :D next time it will be a gif! thanks so much!

Wow like holy shit, reminds me of the animation in those CDI games but actually good.

HEy this is really really good! IT sounds like the VA might need a pop filter but it wasn't too bad.
Just wish it was finished and not just a test!

cecameron responds:

Thanks!! I'd love to do something longer some day. Well see what happens!

I laughe
I cried
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Age 28

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